3D Animations


Bring your case to life with foundational accident reconstructions and medical illustrations for complex surgical procedures, product defects, or auto accidents.

The Experts Choice

When it comes to authenticity and accuracy we are the premiere animation studios, meeting all the tough courtroom standards and settlement demands. Many doctors and expert witnesses rely on our visuals to help support the facts and expert opinions, and are used in a variety cases including complex medical procedures, product defects, or auto accidents.

Dynamic & Engaging Animations


Accident Reconstruction

Our professional animation artists will make accident scenes come to life with complete accuracy, using scientific crash data and forensic expert analysis reports. We collect precise environment measurements, lighting conditions, and vehicle damage assessments, to build the scene in the best way possible both technically and aesthetically.


Injury Mechanics

We create anatomical animations that visualizes the injury occurring to a person who is involved in an accident. The animation is produced with the finest detail, that is medically accurate and portrays the affects on how the forces of the trauma impacts the different layers of a persons body, head, spine, and any all other areas affected.


Cellular/Molecular Views

Based on certified medical expertise we prepare animations on a micro-level, in order to demonstrate various medical processes, most commonly used in trial or during pre-trial stages for expert witness testimony or deponent presentation.


Medical Procedures

During a presentation, doctors and expert witnesses use our surgery animations to describe a specific medical procedure that was performed, or future proposed procedures. All of our animations are created accurately to best represent the operative reports, radiology imaging, or experts opinions. The work is than rendered using state-of-the-art computers to achieve the quality and speed to meet your case demands.


Premise Liability

In many cases, 3D Animations are utilized to exhibit faulty systems, flaws in products, and unmaintained premises conditions. At MotionLit, our signature videos and animations have effectively worked to secure record verdicts and settlements for thousands of personal injury lawyers.


3D Interactive

MotionLit’s visual strategies have proven to help attorneys win record breaking verdicts and settlements utilizing our persuasive Trial Support services, Exhibit Slides, Demand Package Videos, Animations, Day-in-the-Life Videos, and Medical Illustrations.

Call today to learn and earn more for your client!

Get A Quote Today

MotionLit's visual strategies have proven to help attorneys win record breaking verdicts and settlements utilizing our persuasive Trial Support services, Exhibit Slides, Demand Package Videos, Animations, Day-in-the-Life Videos, and Medical Illustrations. Call today to learn and earn more for your client!