How To Make Your Demand Letters Prompt Multi-Million Dollar Settlements

How To Make Your Demand Letters Prompt Multi-Million Dollar Settlements

Elevate your demand letter into an emotional video presentation that will leave insurance adjustors in tears.
Take time to prepare a powerful damages video for your settlement demand and boost your ROI in multitudes.

In this unsafe roadway case our client secured an $8.5 Million Settlement by utilizing a MotionLit Settlement Video. Learn how our Settlement videos comprehensively navigate the incident, liability arguments, and compensatory damages that not only encompass a demand letter, but also add emotional value where words alone cannot.

This case involved an LA County driver on their way home during a rainstorm. A major defect in the roadway water drainage design caused “ponding” to occur on the road, flooding the lane where the plaintiff was driving. This caused the driver to swerve off the road and slam into a tree, killing them and catastrophically injuring the passenger.

A MotionLit Settlement Video was prepared using key case materials, including witness and defendant depositions, case photos, and medical records. The video integrates case details along with family interviews to tell their emotional story and present their non-economic damages.

Using reconstruction data, a MotionLit 3D Animation was prepared to expose the defendant’s complicit negligence in a faulty roadway design and lack of safety management.

Why settle for less? Secure multi-million dollar settlements with strong visual statements on your next personal injury case.

Reach out to a MotionLit consultant for a free quote on a Settlement Video or Animation today.

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