Demand Package Videos Multiplies the Value of Damages Claims

MotionLit’s popular Demand Package Video is an instrumental settlement tool that can help carry on your daily business, whilst making effective demands for your clients, without having the need to go to trial, or step into the courtroom. More and more attorneys are utilizing MotionLit’s settlement videos to highlight their damages claim in a short, and telling digital video presentation that can be emailed, viewed on mobile devices, remotely from your home or office.

Demand Package Videos help settle cases faster, and saves on cost without the need to go to trial, or hire expensive expert witnesses. Additionally when urging defendants to settle with larger settlement numbers, MotionLit’s comprehensive videos showcase the value of your case by sharpening the focus on liability, damages, and the causes of action in the video.

Get your clients story told quickly and effectively for mediation and settlement. Call us today to order your Demand Package Video!

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