Total Knee Replacement
Categories Lower Extremity, Knee, Leg
Tags tibia, cross pin, animation, knee replacement, patella, arthritis, femur
Title: Total Knee Replacement
:11 A longitudinal incision is made through a pervious incisional scar.
:22 Previous hardware is removed.
:47 Incision sutured
1:04 Midline incision
1:13 Patella is moved to the side
1:19 A cut is also made on the inner surface of the patella using a bone saw
1:24 Plastic component is added to back of patella
1:30 Post-traumatic arthritis is present
1:36 Drill used to make hole in femur
1:41 A cutting block is placed to accurately resect the distal femur
2:00 4 in 1 block for remaining cuts
2:26 Drill used to create hole in tibial plateau
2:32 Cutting block placed bone saw used to remove top of tibia
2:56 Femur components in place
3:03 Tibia components in place
3:09 Cross pin placed
3:15 All components in place
3:32 Incision sutured
3:41 Process is repeated on contralateral side
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