Violent Rear-End Collision Causes Broken Pelvis 3D Animation Reconstruction & Summary of Injury Diagram

3 Car Wreck due to Speeding Vehicle Leads to Shattered Pelvis

To effectively showcase the details of an accident in your presentation, utilize Animation Reconstruction as a powerful visual aid. This dynamic tool will guide your audience through each critical step of the incident, ensuring a clear and compelling understanding of the sequence of events.

This case involved a young woman who had to come to a complete stop on an empty highway at night due to another driver experiencing road rage. While she was stopped and outside her car addressing the situation, a third vehicle, which was speeding and driving negligently, approached from behind. This vehicle struck both her car and her body, causing severe injuries. Notably, she sustained multiple sacral fractures, resulting in a largely shattered pelvis.

A MotionLit 3D Accident Animation Reconstruction was prepared to visualize the physics of the collision from multiple angles. The 3D Animation was also visually compared to real life photos of the plaintiff’s damaged care in a process called photo-matching. After depicting the physics of the crash with clarity, the 3D Animation divulges into the specific injuries suffered by the plaintiff by illustrating an in depth diagram in relation to her body and the location of each lesion or impact.

In personal injury cases, 3D animations are frequently used during mediation and trial to compel viewers to take into account the traumatic details of the case and how they impact the plaintiff in ways that words alone cannot. Our visual aids have been crucial in assisting personal injury lawyers and leading trial attorneys across the country in achieving multi-million dollar settlements and verdicts.

Contact our visual experts today to get started on your next 3D animation or other persuasive visual exhibit today! (855) 850-0650  |

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