Trip and Fall Animation Demonstrates City’s Liability in Severe Back Injury

When presenting a trip-and-fall incident, a visual aid like Animation Reconstruction can strategically guide your audience through the key events at the scene, illustrating how the injuries were caused.

This case involved a man walking in a city street when a large pothole caused his foot to get caught. He then violently fell to the ground, hitting his back and head in the process. The fall was disastrous to his cervical spine, causing protrusions and bulges at multiple levels that would be revealed in MRI imaging.

A MotionLit 3D Animation Reconstruction was prepared using deposition testimony and site inspection analysis that showed the position and size of the dangerous pothole in the street and how the plaintiff became its victim. The fall is followed by a comprehensive Mechanism of Injury Animation that reveals a medical analysis of the multiple cervical injuries caused by the impact on his spine.

In personal injury cases, 3D Animations are frequently utilized during mediation and trial to deliver compelling, comprehensive presentations. Our visual aids have been instrumental in helping personal injury attorneys and top trial lawyers secure multi-million dollar settlements and verdicts nationwide.

Call our Visual Experts to talk strategy and get a quote today.

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