Dramatic Animation of Runaway Tire Collision With Driver In Major TBI Claim

When describing an accident in your presentation, visual-aid such as Animation Reconstruction can be used to strategically walk your audience through the various steps that unfolded at the scene.

This was a case involving a driver who was subject to a freak accident and traumatic brain injury when a tire flew off a truck on the I-10 highway, vaulted over the barrier, and impacted the plaintiff’s windshield. Plaintiff sustained multiple life threatening injuries including a brain bleed, temporal bone fracture, and cervical spine protrusions.

A MotionLit Animation was prepared by using witness statements and expert analysis data to reconstruct the physics of the moving tire. The animation also shows how it could have crossed over the center divider onto oncoming traffic and collide into the vehicle. We also walkthrough a Mechanism of Injury animation showing the step by step details of how the impact could have caused such devastating injuries to the driver. In depth animations were also produced to show the surgical procedures depicting a cervical discectomy, and a corrective surgery for metacarpal malunion,

In personal injury lawsuits, it’s common practice to employ 3D Animations during mediation and trial to make comprehensive presentations for your case. Our visual aids have played a key role in securing multi-million dollar settlements and verdicts for personal injury lawyers and leading trial attorneys across the country.

Call our visual experts to prepare your next courtroom exhibit presentation.

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