Medical Illustration of Thumb Injury Depicts Arthroplasty Procedure From T-Bone Crash

In personal injury cases visual-aid can help turn low-ball offers into muliti-million dollar settlements utilizing Medical Illustrations and exhibit graphics with MotionLit visual consultants.

In this detailed medical illustration, viewers are educated on the step-by-step process of an invasive surgery known as CMC Arthroplasty which is necessary to reduce pain and preserve thumb stability in the patient. The plaintiff was left with a severe

hand injury when they were forced to collide with a car that had run a red light.

The visual exhibits created by MotionLit illustrators clearly demonstrate the trauma the plaintiff sustained, having to undergo this invasive procedure after being severely injured.

It is both necessary and standard practice to present visual aid exhibits in a personal injury cases in order to help jurors and opposing counsel appreciate the calamity of what the plaintiff was forced to undergo to recover from their injury. With Motionlit’s visual strategy and knowledge, you can quickly and comprehensively communicate your client’s story.

Choose from hundreds of medical illustrations and surgery animations now available on our shop page.  (855) 850-0650  |

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